Big Plans for the Rivers in the City

Over the next 15 months, the City and Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC), in partnership with Friends of the Chicago River, topical experts and community stakeholders, will lead a planning process that explores all the waterways within the city’s limits and develops a strategic vision of how to improve them. The process invites residents and business owners to think about what they would like to see their riverfronts become and will strongly encourage them to take part in the process.
Step one is a community survey at
“The Chicago River system is healthier and more accessible than it has been for over 150 years and it is fast becoming one of our region’s greatest natural resources,” said Margaret Frisbie, executive director, Friends of the Chicago River. “Friends is excited to work with the City, MPC, the Leadership and Resource groups, and the community to develop a vision and action plan that capitalizes on the massive progress to date and integrates the city’s efforts into our broader efforts for the entire river system.”