Free Lunchtime Panel Series at the Bridgehouse Museum
Experts will discuss “Plastic Pollution and How to Move Forward”.
Continue Reading »Experts will discuss “Plastic Pollution and How to Move Forward”.
Continue Reading »Interested in volunteering for the Summer Float Party? Help us for some or all of the day.
Continue Reading »The Chicago River is Wild Science Station is a mobile exhibit that contains interactive activities for all ages to learn about the river, its wildlife, and water quality.
Continue Reading »We are excited to offer numerous ways for people to enjoy your local waterway.
Continue Reading »The notable leaders include public, private, academic, and non-profit professionals throughout the Chicago area.
Continue Reading »Tickets go on sale July 11, 2022. Stay tuned for more details.
Continue Reading »One beautiful place of reflection is Whistler Woods along the Little Calumet River in south suburban Riverdale.
Continue Reading »Led by Friends’ staff and volunteer canoe guides, athletes from across SailGP’s nine international teams donned hip waders and accessed planting spots via canoes from the Lathrop Homes dock on the North Branch in Chicago.
Continue Reading »The Chicago River is part of the highway system of rivers that migratory birds utilize for their yearly travels. This spring Friends teamed up with Chicago Ornithological Society to do a bird count from the boats on the North Branch of the Chicago. Read on to learn how many species we saw in just two hours!
Continue Reading »The three remaining scheduled summer bridge lifts are Wednesday, June 22, Saturday, June 25 and Wednesday, June 29.
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