LaBagh Woods Volunteer Workday

This uncommon woodland community encompasses wet savanna, degraded marsh, and mature floodplain woods, and is dominated by swamp white oaks. Plants such as swamp saxifrage, blue flag iris, and bluejoint grass are indicators the wetness of this site. In the more mesic woodland along the river bluff, one finds plants with such picturesqe names as zig-zag goldenrod, wild geranium, wood reed, bottlebrush grass and golden alexanders. Be a part of river and forest revitalization by joining an inspiring movement of volunteers gathering to restore this special site along the Chicago River. Learn what it takes to restore diverse wildlife, trees, wildflowers, and health in our forest preserves and our river system. Our goal is to grow a community of people who will become caretakers and stewards through on-going education and training.
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