Litter Free Community Presentation

Join Friends' Annette Anderson, Volunteer, Events and Canoe Program Manager for on online presentation to learn about the problem litter poses to our community, Friends' commitment to a Litter Free Chicago-Calumet River system and what you can do contribute towards caring for the rivers that built our city and remain valuable natural resources for the health and well-being of our community.
Litter is a persistent problem that diminishes the beauty of our region and is detrimental to water quality and critical habitat. But if we all do our part, encourage and support each other and harness the power of collective action, we can solve this problem together. When we all take care of our little piece of this beautiful planet, we ensure the health and wellbeing of current and future generations not just in our community, but to all those downstream. Join us as we think globally and act locally working side by side with partners from all parts of our community from businesses, to places of worship, to pubic land managers to bring a Litter Free Chicago-Calumet River system to life. Friends of the Chicago River is committed to caring for and improving the Chicago-Calumet River system for people, plants, and animals.