Take Litter Free Action
Litter is a world-wide problem which is not just an eyesore, it hurts people and wildlife, and the Chicago area is no exception. The Litter Free Chicago-Calumet River initiative works to reduce the amount of trash harming our waterways by working with community and government leaders to develop strong public policy and comprehensive litter reduction programs. This multi-pronged approach includes litter research and engaging residents and local companies in local cleanup efforts to keep our rivers clean for all.
Tackling litter is a team effort, so here's how you can get involved:
- Join Friends’ volunteer CREW to let us know your interests and receive our monthly email with information on upcoming volunteer opportunities.
- Plan an independent litter cleanup. Friends Supply Stations and Litter Free Toolkit (also see our Toolkit in Spanish), assist community groups, companies, and individuals to plan litter cleanups by providing supplies and guidance. Not sure where to clean? Check the "HELP NEEDED" layer of the map below, consider helping at one of the "Hotspots" in our Forest Preserves
- Join us for a Canoe and Clean. Check the events page for upcoming dates to explore the river and make an immediate positive impact on river health.
- Pick up litter as part of a field trip with our Chicago River Schools Network.
- Sign up for Chicago River Day. Every May, Friends hosts a cleanup with over 70 locations throughout the watershed. Bring your friends and family to build community and improve the river together.
- Hire Friends to organize a Litter Free volunteer day for your company. Volunteering is a great way to demonstrate your company values, build teamwork and foster people’s connection to the river.
- Landowners, utilize our Litter Free Property Guide to better manage trash on your grounds.
- Help us track our collective impact.
- Share your feedback on reducing litter in our Litter Free Survey.
- Click here to add your cleanups to the Litter Free Map below.
- Cleanup with these partner organizations:
- Report Littered Areas - Use the City of Chicago's 311 app or website to report a littered area, request trash bins, or request pick up of overflowing trash bins. These Litter Reporting Tips from Cleanup Club Chicago offer guideance on how to report litter on vacent lots, private property, and highways. Public spaces that need help can be marked on the map above under "HELP NEEDED" to direct independent cleanups to consider it as a location for their cleanup.
- Tag your cleanup efforts with #LitterFree, #LitterFreeChicagoCalumetRiver, and #chicagoriver to join Friends and partners in action, working to make the river and its river-edge communities litter-free.
Lose the Litter at Home
Since litter is a human-made problem, it requires a human-made solution. While Friends works through partnerships to change policy on issues like single-use plastics, we also recognize the need for each of us to individually do what we can to tackle this persistent problem. Based on our research of local litter data and embracing best practices from litter free campaigns across the world, here are the most important ways you can help make a Litter Free Chicago-Calumet River:
- Avoid buying things in plastic. Watch the documentary “Plastic Wars,” from PBS, FRONTLINE and NPR, which reveals how plastic makers publicly promote recycling, despite privately expressing doubts that plastic recycling would ever be viable.
- Stop litter before it starts. Chicago Envrionmentalists provides information on sustainable shops, resturants, reuse, recycling, and much more.
- Purchase more items in paper, metals and glass, which are recycleable. Follow the recycling guidelines for your local municipality.
- Harness your purchasing power.
- Avoid buying individually packaged goods.
- Buy products in bulk and use reusable containers to portion food.
- Reduce your use of single-use plastics like individual water bottles, silverware, straws and cups. Plastic creation also uses an enormous amount of energy which is contributing to climate change.
- Bring reuseable grocery bags with you to the store, and use reuseable bags for gifts and promortional materials.
- Close garbage can lids to keep critters and wind from spilling waste into the street, which is only a breeze or a rainstorm away from being in the river.
Support Policy Actions
- Voice your support for policies that reduce plastic waste and improve water, environmental, and public health.