Volunteer Code of Conduct
Volunteer Code of Conduct
Friends of the Chicago River was born a grassroots organization in 1979 and continues to thrive due to thousands volunteers who support our mission to protect and restore the Chicago-Calumet River system for all people, water, and wildlife.
There are many ways volunteers contribute to Friends as their time, talents and duties vary. We welcome all ages to volunteer; minors are required to volunteer with a guardian or parent. A Friends’ waiver is to be signed before participation begins. It is essential that everyone understand and adhere to these basic standards of acceptable behavior to ensure a safe, welcoming, respectful, and professional environment for all staff, volunteers and participants.
The Volunteer Code of Conduct lays out what volunteers can expect of Friends, volunteer responsibilities, our anti-harassment and substance abuse policies, and processes for reporting misconduct for the wellbeing and safety of everyone. By signing up as a volunteer with Friends’ you are agreeing to adhere to the responsibilities outlined.
Volunteers have the right to:
- Safe working conditions
- Be treated with respect
- Qualified training, supervision and necessary support
- An environment free of harassment, discrimination, or hostile conditions
- Report incidents of harassment, discrimination, or hostile conditions
(See full anti-harassment policy below.)
Volunteers have the responsibility to:
- Make safety the highest priority
- Use appropriate safety and personal protection equipment when working around potentially dangerous equipment or in poor water quality conditions
- Maintain a workplace free from drug and alcohol abuse
- Never be alone with a child (under 18) where they cannot also be observed by another staff person or volunteer
- Treat others in a friendly, respectful and professional manner
- Communicate with others in an open and respectful way
- Use your best judgement to avoid behavior which might cause another person to become uncomfortable or offended
- Respect other people’s privacy and boundaries
- Arrange your own transportation and arrive on time
- Dress appropriately. Outdoor events call for layers, closed toed/waterproof shoes, hats or raingear as needed. Indoor events are generally business casual with comfortable shoes
- Refrain from using Friends’ equipment or supplies outside the event without permission
- Participate in training sessions and meetings
- Seek and accept feedback, guidance, and support
- Direct requests from the media to Friends’ staff
- Perform work to the best of their ability
- Report incidents of harassment, discrimination, or hostile conditions.
(See full anti-harassment policy and reporting process below.)
Anti-Harassment Policy
Friends prohibits harassment based on actual or perceived characteristics including race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital status, veteran status and any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Prohibited harassment includes all unwelcome behavior (including but not limited to unwelcome actions, words, jokes, comments, touching, derogatory remarks and/or visual displays) based on a protected characteristic where the purpose or effect of the behavior is to create a hostile or intimidating environment, or otherwise adversely affects an individual’s volunteering. Any concern over possible misconduct or harassment should be reported immediately to a Friends’ staff member to be addressed.
Substance Abuse and Use Policy
Friends is committed to maintaining a workplace free from drug and alcohol abuse. Friends strictly prohibits the use, possession, distribution or sale of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, unauthorized prescription drugs, or unauthorized alcohol during working hours. Tobacco use, including vaping, should be refrained from while volunteering. Guests may have asthma and/or reactions to second hand smoke, and may be uncomfortable requesting someone to not smoke.
Process for Reporting Accidents or Injuries
Safety for all participants, volunteers, and staff is Friends’ highest priority. Any accident, illness, or injury during a volunteer shift should be immediately reported to a Friends staff member, and volunteers should seek medical attention as needed. The volunteer and staff member will fill out an incident report and send it to Friends’ Business Office.
Updated 3.4.25